Since I have learnt jazz funk and hip hop for a couple of years, In 2006, I was attracted and watched a documentary called《 華 人 青 年 演 藝 家》produced by RTHK. There is a interview for Faye.
《 華 人 青 年 演 藝 家》
09/17/2006 好動的姑娘
或 堅 毅 , 或 熱 愛 , 或 犧 牲 , 總 需 要 一 種 火 藥 引 去 引 爆 演 藝 家 的 天 才 。
「我很喜歡在台上哭。」=>(投入) 對香港芭蕾舞團首席舞蹈員梁菲來說,置身舞台上,就好像盲了一樣,完全看不到四周,完全投入到角色裡面。「好像《蘇絲黃》中講述阿Jack離開我,媽媽生又逼我離去,我就很傷心地就哭了出來。」對於梁菲來說,芭蕾舞並非只有技巧,更重要的是如何表現情感。
洋名Faye的梁菲生於上海,畢業於上海芭蕾舞學校,曾於國內獲獎,1996年加入港芭, 01年升為首席。「她剛來時才十七歲,很有才華,每個人也知道她終有一天會成大明星的。」港芭前任藝術總監謝傑斐表示。
幸好,梁菲很快就康復過來,可是7月,梁菲再次受傷。「跳落地,聽到聲音,就知道弄傷舊患了。」診斷的結果是骨裂的地方伸延至另一條骨骼。梁菲對我們說:她每天都動一下,才感到舒服 。曾說過跳舞就像吃飯一樣重要的梁菲,刻下仍要接受物理治療。

Faye Leung’s statements
Life is a dance, from one stage to the next.
It is not the movements that make a dance beautiful, it is the emotions that inspired the movements that make a dance beautiful.
芭蕾舞家- 梁菲 copy from Shisedo future solution X advertisement

Biography of Faye Leung__________
生於上海,畢業於上海芭蕾舞學校。 1995年贏得[上海國際芭蕾舞大賽]少年組女子金獎,同時獲頒[百靈盃獎],曾代表國家出訪北韓及美國。梁菲1996年10月加入香港芭蕾舞團,2001年晉升為首席舞蹈員。
梁菲曾獲香港電台《2006十大傑出藝術家》之一及憑《羅密歐與朱麗葉》中的朱麗葉一角獲得2008年香港舞蹈聯盟頒發的《香港舞蹈年獎》。並多次獲邀到海外演出,獲得好評;包括2004年的[上海國際芭蕾舞比賽]及[邁阿密國際芭蕾舞節]。 2005年,她憑《不死傳說》中玉儿公主一角,獲提名於莫斯科舉辦的Benois de la Danse Prize,並在莫斯科大劇院的頒獎典禮中演出《胡桃夾子》雙人舞。 2005年8月及2006年9月,梁菲先後獲邀到美國科羅拉多州[維爾國際舞蹈節]及巴黎香榭舍劇院的[21世紀芭蕾舞星匯演]中演出。 2007年8月,應邀到日本橫濱參與[為愛滋病孤兒起舞]慈善晚會演出。今年1月,梁菲應邀到捷克布拉格參與[巴拉格芭蕾舞晚會]演出。

News from Faye____________________
為港芭把脈為藝團把關 ——「梁菲事件」的「真相」和底因
"Senior Ballerina Dismissed by Hong Kong Ballet" - By May Tsang - Standard
"Ballet chose bad time to sack principal dancer" - South China Morning Post
港首席芭蕾舞星解僱風暴 .作者:朱一心
You can also refer to http://www.alivenotdead.com/fayeleung/blog.html?page_6 to know more about her dismissed issue.
Her blog reveals her beliefs after dismissed by HKB_______
2009-08-24 10:02PM
My farewell
i have been really busy working on my farewell performance for the last 6 weeks , finally finished last show last night , it was really good show and really emotional too. me and my dance partner Nobuo Fujino ,both cried on stage at the last part .
Me and Nobuo have been worked together for so long, and lucky for us can perform together for the last time.
I left the HK ballet company 6 month ago and wasn’t sure i can still perform this time after so long break that i had , but i was lucky , had a lot friends helped me on this , they are really my good friends, never give up on me .i was so touched by them . my shows won’t be successful without them.
The end of the show, when the curtains up, i heard voices from the auditorium , saw a lot ppl were standing there shouting ' Bravo' and my name " Faye " , and some of company dancers were start crying at the side stage already, and me , still holding my last post with partner , didn’t wanna let go that time , were scared if i left go then everything would be gone forever . i was touched . All the memories from last 13 years , it came back , the day when i joined the company and the day when i first performed principal role with HK ballet . it was really good memories but sad .
After the show, i needed to pack all my staff to leave the building, when i step outside the HKCC, there are lot friends and fans still there waiting , it took me nearly 30mins to leave the place i worked for 13 years .
I just want to thank you to all of you , never give up on me and support me all these time . Now is the day for me to step off the ballet stage i love for so long , to move on to my new life . still not sure what it would be ,but I’m not going to give up , really wish can see you all somewhere and perform for all of you again soon...
My new life
2009-04-03 8:24PM
Recently i have been through a lot , and i know you have already know it . the HK ballet company just dismissed me 2 month ago .
I am still pretty sad and depressed . but what can i do ? so obvious the HKB wont let me go back anymore , and i cant look back and wasting time ,right ? , one day i have to move on ...
So, i have also thinking should opening my own dance studio And would like you to help me for some ideas ? (<<>Here is my new studio's idea , please hear it :
Opening my own dance studio somethere in Wanchai or Sheung Wan , then i would like to have ballet classes , ( of course ) and solo rehearsal ( for those who wanna to learn new solos for fun or competition ) and injury classes ( for those who is injury but still wanna to dance for later on ) and some PDD classes too ( for those who are interesting to dance PDD ) ...Also i would like to have Jazz , ballroom, hip pop, yoga classes...hehehe... oh btw, i'm writing my new book now ,hopefully can finish it soon ...wish me luck Well, let me know what you think about my new idea or if u 'd have any better suggestion ...
In September 2009, she appeared in a music video for the new single "1+1" of local singer Jonathan Wong Chee Hynn. (Action Plan)

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