Some view his work as pioneering and of major art-historical importance. Others dismiss his work as kitsch: crass and based on cynical self-merchandising.

Jeff Koons 目前最有名的一項作品就是“Hanging Heart” (懸掛的心)之所以有名是因為它在2007年11月14日在紐約蘇富比拍賣會上以7.6億台幣成交拍賣出去

rabbit 1986

ushering in Banality 1988

Michael Jaskson and Bubbles 1988

Made in Heaven

Koons’s “Made in Heaven” a series in which the artist's blurring of high art and kitsch focuses on the couple's own sexual relationship, show depicted him having sex, over and over, with his porn-star wife, 'La Cicciolina'.
Perhaps spooked by the culture wars, the art world rejected him, saying he’d gone too far—in the process playing into his hands. He’s the straight Andy Warhol.The notion of 'good taste' is examined not only in terms of the art object, but through a questioning of commonly held assumptions regarding love, romance and sexual activity itself.
By transforming pornography into sentimental kitsch and unabashedly presenting the results as high art, Made in Heaven becomes one of Koons' most complex subversions of aesthetics.
Cherubs 1991

Puppy 1992
Koons was commissioned in 1992 to create a piece for an art exhibition in Bad Arolsen, Germany. The result was Puppy, a forty-three feet (12.4 m) tall topiary sculpture of a West Highland White Terrier puppy, executed in a variety of flowers on a steel substructure.
For his exhibition at the Gallery, Koons presents paintings and sculptures from his Popeye series, which he began in 2002. The works incorporate some of Koons’s signature ideas and motifs, including surreal combinations of everyday objects, cartoon imagery, art-historical references and children’s toys.
In July 2009, Koons had his first major solo show in London, at the Serpentine Gallery. Entitled, "Jeff Koons: Popeye Series," the exhibit included cast aluminum models of children’s pool toys and "dense, realist paintings of Popeye holding his can of spinach or smoking his pipe, a red lobster looming over his head."
Jeff Koons, his first major exhibition in a public gallery in England. For his exhibition at the Gallery, Koons presents paintings and sculptures from his Popeye series, which he began in 2002. The works incorporate some of Koons’s signature ideas and motifs, including surreal combinations of everyday objects, cartoon imagery, art-historical references and children’s toys.

reference :《The Jeff Koons Handbook》and wikipedia
By Jonathan
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